Cybathlon 2016
Championship for Athletes with Disabilities | ETH Zurich
The Cybathlon is competition to promote the collaboration between academia, the technology industry, and people with disabilities. This contest is not only a way to showcase creative engineering from groups around the world, but to facilitate discussion on the daily issues that those with disabilities face and how new technology can be used to overcoming those limitations. The event takes place on Saturday, 8 October 2016 in Zürich, Switzerland. The Cybathlon has six unique categories for competition. UH SLICK will compete in the Powered Exoskeleton Race. This contest is meant to test usage of an exoskeleton in daily activities for people with complete thoracic or lumbar spinal cord injuries (SCI).
The Exoskeleton
The Contest
Task 1: Sofa
Sitting down and standing up is a general challenge when wearing an exoskeletal device as joint moments are necessary for getting up and for controlled sitting down.
Task 2: Slalom
Often in daily life, it is necessary to walk around static or moving obstacles in order to reach a given destination. In this task, pilots need to perform a slalom course around poles.
Task 3: Ramp and Door
In this task, the pilots with exoskeletons have to walk over ramps and pass through doorways. This requires them to step backwards or sidewards, to open the door, to step forward and finally to close the door all within a limited space. Moreover, it is tested how well doors with a normal door handle can be opened. Solving the task requires stepping backwards, forwards, and/or sideways. In this task, the ramp is passed in one direction only.
Task 4: Stones
In certain situations in daily life it is required to accurately control the positioning of the leg (e.g. when entering an escalator or stepping over stones on a cross country path). In this task, the pilot is challenged to walk over stones, where the ability to place the foot in a defined location is tested.
Task 5: Tilted Path
In daily life, some paths are tilted perpendicular to the direction of travel. A tilted path is used in order to challenge such a situation.
Task 6: Stairs
Stairs are very common in daily life. This task tests how well the exoskeleton supports the action of walking over stairs.